Saturday, 31 March 2012


Hey lovelies! I went to oxford street today to spend all the leftover money from my birthday. I intended on only spending it on jewellery and so I did. The topshop in London is like the Disneyland of fashion, its soo awesome and the jewellery is the best as their choice is overwhelming. Pictured above is:
Eye ring: £5
Saints bracelet: £5
3 symbol bracelet: £4
Barry M 'Blue moon': £3

I have been meaning to get my hands on the saints bracelet for some time now, I absolutely love the eye theme, and the symbolic bracelet is so pretty. Also as you all know pastels are in right now and as I am running out of nail polish I picked up this pastel colour as it looks lovely. I'm going to start saving up again as in future i hope to make my first purchases from E.LF! On Tuesday I'm making my way to Scotland for the Easter Holidays to visit my nan and when I'm there i always have activities planned but I'll still be saving :)
Hope you all have a lovely holiday! 

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Birthday Dilemmas

                             Jacket: Gap           Dress: Boutique          Lipstick: Collection 2000

Candle from primark: Dolly Mixtures (gift)
Hellooooooo :) On Sunday I turned 15, although many of you were probably celebrating mothers' Day (Don't worry I didn't forget about mine!) But it was my birthday weekend.... On Saturday I met up with my close friends, we was planning on going to an ice cream parlor in town that we had never visited before, unfortunately the traffic had stopped dead and we had to walk so we were an hour late. When we got to the parlor we sat down, they cleaned our table, gave us menus then a different woman told us they were fully booked and we had to leave!!!! I was distraught as I didn't think you'd have to book for an ice cream parlor. We ended up going to Pizza Express briefly and then went back to my house to dance and have birthday cake. I was still slightly annoyed from earlier events but was able to have a good time with my friends. 

On Sunday was my actual birthday and although St Patrick's day was on Saturday the festival in London was on the Sunday. Me and my friend went down to the festival and were able to get right up against the railing at the front. The music and entertainment was good but it sooooooo cold! The group pictured above were really good (looking ;) and it was good to feel part of the culture, we ended up leaving after about two hours though due to the weather. When I got home my mum gave me her gift which included a new denim jacket from New look and then I decided to end my Birthday by watching Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix. If you don't already know I'm a huge potterhead so it was the right way to end my birthday as things didn't go exactly to plan.

How did you spend your weekend?

Saturday, 10 March 2012

In which I eat the bunny's ears

Helllooooooo My lovlies!!
I am very sorry that i have been away for soooo long!! But I have mentioned before I have had many GCSE's recently so haven't had the time to blog and this week I got some results also :S
Anyhow pictured above you will see my lovely new brogues for school which can be found here. They rubbed my feet a lot the first time I wore them and are still giving me blisters (one week on) but I'm sure they'll become comfy soon and they are so pretty. My Grandad bought me my first Easter chocolate for this year which I have already nibbled at! Also next week is St Patrick's day but it is also my birthday (18th) and because it falls on the weekend I'v decided to attend the festival in London which I'm very excited for. I'm not pure Irish as I wasn't born there but I have family from there and my Grandad is pure Irish, I just love to celebrate my Irishness even if I'm classed as English.

I hope your all well and have a fabulous week!