Saturday, 16 March 2013

Death by kabuki


Ahhh today my kabuki brush broke! To be fair it's lasted me 3 years and I use it a lot, but I'll have to go the next week without it. Since it's my birthday soon I'v been receiving parcels, this red letter meant we had to go to the post office, but it was only letter size, they could have put that through the door. Then I went shopping in primark and also to a cheap store to pick up some decorations and treats. While I was waiting for my mum I decided to buy a McFlurry, I never ever have these, but it was so good :) For the rest of the evening I'v been practicing for my Spanish exam for next week and eating my mums yummy food. This is an odd post but hey ho, I felt like procrastinating!

Hope your all well


  1. ahh it's so annoying when the post office does that!!

    3 years is a very good time, my brushes never last that long :-O
    UK High Street Fashion
