On Thursday I finally got my results that I'd been working hard for. As I'm still in Florida I got them collected for me and I got to see a clip of my friend receiving hers at school. I got 4A's 6B's and 2C's, I'm happy with these results with the exception of my two B's in English as that was unexpected. However I have secured my place at sixth form where I will be studying Geography, English Literature, Biology, and Photography.
It's definitely different receiving your results separately from others as you don't get to experience the atmosphere and to share your happiness with your friends who you've been working along side with. However I was able to recieve my results in the quite of my own home and wind down. I didn't celebrate much but as you can see I was taken out for a meal at a European restaurant which sure was good.
I have also been doing lots of Back To School shopping so I have bought myself a wardrobes worth of clothes! I'm starting to get excited to return home on the 29th and as soon as I'm back in England I'll be looking to get a part time job. If you received your results I hope you got what you wished for and if not don't stress about it too much as you will still have options.
Hope you're all well
My fav!! x